One day, someone by the name of Saint Valentine decided that it would be a most wonderful business model and to public service, to find a day that shall boost the economy irregardless of whether there is a bull run or a bear day. So thanks to him, all of us decades down to road continue to splurge and try to outdo other alpha males in ways more than one to see who can single-handedly boost the economy.
Pathetically, I am one of them. If Daniel Kahneman and Vernon Smith hadn't won the 2002 Nobel economics prize for their studies on irrational decision making behaviour, I would have been well on my way to publish something to that effect. Look, it doesn't make sense to buy flowers and book restaurants at a premium price on every 14th of Feb, but that just happens.
I bit the bait willingly, knowingly and most hopefully. Calling in Pietrasanta Italian Restaurant at Portsdown Road (at Wessex estate), I was told, almost unusually that I should arrive either at 6 pm or 8.15 pm, but not in between. I decided for the former anyway.
It all didn't seem to start off well even before the dinner. I suggested to Goodest Fren that we meet at Clementi and take a taxi to Labrador Park since the street directory says it's close nearby and I wasn't sure if the taxi driver know where Portsdown Road is. The taxi driver was still not clear of where Labrador Park was and made such a huge roundabout that by the time I realised it's not going to work and that perhaps I should try giving him the exact address instead, Lo and Behold! He knew where Portsdown Road was! Saying that it's near Buona Vista, he drove us there. I must have kicked myself because I shouldn't have been so presumptuous and should have told him the exact address before being a smart aleck. Never mind. Treat it as
Lesson Numero Uno.
When I arrived promptly with goodest friend at 6, we discovered we were the first to arrive (You know about my occupation hazard that stresses on punctuality). As it turned out, the usual menu didn't apply. They had a standard V Day menu, so it's across the board. Not that we mind, but I just find it disconcerting that they should have two time slots. But being the first to arrive may not necessary means we would be rewarded. You know how the system works. The more efficient one gets penalized.
For some strange reason or so, we were not allowed to change tables despite my request. C'mon, no other guests know about it. Second, other tables with guests who arrived later were served first. What vexed me was when we had to wait 45 min between the appetizer and the main course!! All because they tried to synchronize everybody as late comers were served late, AND we were one of the last to be served.
This was consistent for the coffee and the dessert, to the extent that I had to personally request the waitress time and again (did I mention that we were sitting at the entrance which was not what we wanted and they just couldn't have missed our empty table). Roling my eyes, Goodest Friend was trying to be more assuring but clearly we were on the peripheral.
Goodest Fren even said once she saw this guy behind me raising his hand and telling waitress 1 something about the food. When waitress 1 went to tell Waitress 2, Goodest Fren overheard her murmured "Alamak" with a most sian look.
And yes, we were the last to leave. Thank you very much.
This despite that like the Nan Hwa Ching fish head steamboat, serving the bill was impeccably fast within 20 sec. And all this shit for $130.
Overall, the experience was mediocre at best because the waitresses there were just so inattentive and unorganized. The only thing that cheered me up if only slightly was when Goodest Fren said she quite like the food and the rustic surroundings. But I felt that they have squandered away the good endowment of what the black and white houses and greeneries have on this restaurant. We agree that in future V Day, we would be better off going to have buffet at a typical downtown restaurant and at least we can eat to our hearts content. For picturesque and remote expriences, leave it to non-V Day.
Leson Numero Dos.
Still feeling peckish, Goodest Fren and I decided to go to Clarke Quay TCC to have our drinks and some fried calamari. Chatting through the remaining of the evening, we finally agreed that despite all that had happened, it was still quite a memorable one.
And oh, should you decide to patronise the restaurant and the nearby Cicada (which I think is even more fantastic) during non-peak hours, take to Buona Vista MRT, and then take 191. Cicada and another one up the hill are great watering holes, ut take note, the last bus leaves on the early side of 8, so be prepared to cab.
P.S. Incidentally, Sunday Times page 14 just clarified that it should be Saint Raphael whom singles should be praying to and not Saint Valentine, who is more of a patron for attached/married couples. St Raphael was the one credited for solving the crisis of lonely hearts.