If not, how else would this old swine suffering the equivalent of an Ophelia complex snorted how the luckiest guy on Earth forget his deportment in the face of pleasing his future parents-in-laws over dinner?
This the three legged cat can only put it down to a few reasons:
ONE. Real-time bachelors, and a particularly decrepit one at that, usually do not have the patience to discern for even a few seconds, those moments of alpha male scoring especially when it comes to securing the proverbial missing rib. Ain't he understand that La patience est une virtu??

TWO. Delusionists can be considered the next greatest form of "magic" after illusionists. That SL LLG has been looking into mirror mirror on the wall.... who is the youngest of them all... (to which SL LLG should have no difficulty belting out the 1960 Pinkerton's song) have afforded him a most distorted view that redefines prim and proper in his own way.

THREE. A lonely heart. Now Cupid is certainly no blame when it comes to this. For who is to blame to ask for only a 巩俐's lookalike for a mate when the bloke himself is just miserably as 抱歉 as

If you see fangs coming out my dear readers, you are hardly mistaken, for indeed "狗 (the female one- aka the b!tch) 嘴里长出猪牙"!
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