Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Other Bolly Boy

If blogging is a luxury for me nowadays, watching a movie is sublime.

And I wouldn't have done it if not for the fact that ONE, I have the company of my friend Anthony (including a vegan dinner and a slew of intense confabulations about dissertation ideas), and TWO, The Other Boleyn Girl is starring the vegan and Harvard-educated NATALIE PORTMAN! (It is the latter quality that makes me swoon over her with salivation uncountable)

Scheming as she was in her role as Anne, it only make her all the more endearing as a protean thespian capable of redefining bimbo-tism. Adding to the list of examples that women with looks can have brains and acting professionalism all at one, it doesn't matter whether The Other Boleyn has inaccuracies in its historical account of King Henry's infidelity. As far as I am concerned, that this show is biased in its portrayal towards Anne, and which only through this would Portman's thespian skills be shown in its full glory was what all matters to me.

So, go watch The Other Boleyn Girl, even if you have exams in a week's time, innumerable NIE assignments, 4 tuition kids and having to attend three evening classes!

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