It seems that the three legged cat has not mewed for long... or am I supposed to return to RoARRRR!!??
It's been pretty hectic period these one month when all the assignments collapsed into one black hole sort of phenomenon that sucked my energy dry... Not anymore.. been on the nuah mode for the past one week since school holiday starts. Well actually school hols have already started for two weeks but the first week still saw me in a frenzy to submit assignments that have deadlines at the end of the month, and later spent the weekend attending a camp.

Anyway, for no rhyme or reason, Cate Blanchett has caught my imagination when I caught Indiana Jones. First, it did not occur to me that Irini Spalko was played by her... Imagine the shock I got when I realised that Cate Blanchett is actually a blonde, starred as Queen Qlizabeth in the movie Elizabeth and also in Lord of the Rings! TIMES actually voted her as top 100 most influential woman. Anything more I would faint.
They say that the eyes are the windows to the inner world. I just love the gaze that Cate has... that steadiness which soothes the insecurity in me. Haha....
As what I would do to all thespians who bewildered me, I check out their quotes. No exception for Cate Blanchett:
"You know you've made it when you've been moulded in miniature plastic. But you know what children do with Barbie dolls - it's a bit scary, actually”
"If you know you are going to fail, then fail gloriously"
And of course my most favourite:
"I’ve got the ugliest hairstyle I’ve ever seen. If that doesn’t send signals that she’s the villain then there’s no point. Once I got into it, I actually found it quite liberating playing a really bad girl because you can sort of do anything you want"

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