Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Despite having the bout of stomach flu, the three legged cat had enough of an audacity to test his stomach to the limits by continuing to go on the Kukup tour he had yearned to with Great Friend and his friends.

What a great trip it was despite the perpetual jams and the dizzying roads. There was even a point when Paul Baba had to negotiate a sharp turn to avoid an otherwise fatal collision with a lorry. Thankfully no one was hurt and the journey saw one of Mr G's friend drooling while napping!

The seafood had been over-hyped as the seaview had been over-imagined. But one could not rely on just the food and the view to come to a neat conclusion that the day trip had been most halcyonic. Thanks to Paul Baba's muttering of curses of other Malaysian drivers and Jasmine's mordant but clumsy attempts to deflate the ego of Mr G. that had punctuated the whole journey, they certainly added quite a great deal of colours.

When school starts next year, it's the end of the salad days in N*E as a great deal of work beckons. And even tomorrow Mr G. had to report to work to his posted institution.

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